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Add a content script

CRXJS brings an authentic Vite HMR experience to content scripts. Let's add a plain JavaScript content script to your Chrome Extension.

Did you know?

A content script is JavaScript from a Chrome Extension that the browser executes on a designated web page. The page where the script runs is called the host page. The content script shares the DOM with the host page but has a separate JavaScript environment.

Declare a content script

We declare content scripts in the manifest with a list of JavaScript files and match patterns. Match patterns represent the pages where Chrome should execute our content script. In manifest.json, create the field content_scripts with an array of objects:

// other fields...
"content_scripts": [
"js": ["src/content.js"],
"matches": ["*"]

Here we're telling Chrome to execute src/content.js on all pages that start with In this case, the Google homepage is the content script's host page.

Add an visual element

We're not using a framework, but we can use plain JavaScript to add the CRXJS logo to a host page. Notice how Vite still allows you to import CSS files and static assets even though you're not using a framework!

import src from './image.png'
import './content.css'

const html = `
<div class="crx">
<img src=${src}>

const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, 'text/html')
.crx img {
width: 3rem;
height: 3rem;

Get the right URL

Content scripts share the origin of their host page. We need to get a URL with our extension id for static assets like images. Let's go to src/content.js and do that now.

An imported asset path won't work
<img src="${src}" />
Use chrome.runtime.getURL() to get the right url
<img src="${chrome.runtime.getURL(src)}" />

Now our content script is ready for action!